Profitability now

I was able to help. It was not a problem. I can do this. We can do this. Let’s make it happen. That was my structure for a long time. Zero percent focus on profits. Just impact. But then the money went away and I was unable to continue helping.

How to make things sustainable, with abundance, with energy?

Then I remember when I first read about Lean Canvas and Running Lean book, and that break even discussion got me thinking. And lately a writing from Derek Sivers made me stop again.

Well… I was checking this marvellous text from Derek Sivers, called “you need to be profitable to last” and I was amazed about the amount of money I put in front of initiatives because “I was able to”. 

Back in 2018 I’ve decided to choose a different path to this process. I have decided to define a strict budget to projects and make those projects become not my personal initiatives but make those projects to have names, needs and plans. I need to see them grow or fail or even stall at some point.

Now actually every single project I come up with got this structure where I need to understand my perspective but find ways to make those projects to happen and to help a well defined community.

— Daniel Wildt

About the Running Lean Book.

Respostas de 3 a “Profitability now”

  1. Avatar de viniciushax

    Muito legal esse texto do link, alias dei uma lida e o e-book todo parece bem legal e olha que eu nem sou músico. Obrigado pela dica.


    1. Avatar de dwildt

      As relações que o Derek faz são muito boas. Vale muito acompanhar o trabalho dele.

  2. Derik Sivers e a sincronicidade – Vinicius Alves Hax

    […] semana passei por uma dessas. Primeiro lendo um post do blog do Daniel Wildt, que falava sobre lucratividade em projetos, vi uma referência ao blog de Derik Sivers em um texto que complementava o assunto. Achei bem […]

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